Breaking up Financial Goals into Cupcake Sized Bites


Do you want to know how to budget?

Do you want to learn how the financial industry operates?

Are you interested in how you can prepare yourself right now for homeownership?

Do you want to improve your credit score but do not know how?

~ Find out how to be financially equipped to handle the future with boldness and excitement for the future ~

What is Financial Cupcake?

The financial industry is hard enough, so I am determined to bring young adults sweet and simple truths to help them succeed and be confident the next time they walk into the bank!

The salty is the industry while the sweets are the sweetness of wisdom and insight you would receive here to help your financial goals!

~ Testimonial ~

“I’m really glad I signed up for the Financial Tribe! It’s been about a month. I was looking for a daily dose of financial wisdom to help me make better financial choices. I didn’t want a program with a workbook and a big book to read. The tribe is a source of support, and it challenges me in my daily spending habits. And biblical wisdom always meets you where you’re at.”

– Patricia G.

What We Do

– Join the Email List for Updates and Tips to Remain Accountable

– Stay in-the-know about the financial industry

– No Judgment or Condemnation

Why Financial Cupcake


– There are so many half-truths and deception that makes it hard to truly figure out the right road to take with finances. My hope is to help break it down easier for you to understand instead of you dealing with headaches later on with bankers.

– Build Confidence and Assurance

– Financial Accountablity Tribe for daily tips, advice, inspiration, MORE, including chat features to reach out anytime for additional coaching – $45 for lifetime access

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Kristen Creecy

Kristen Creecy

Founder and Writer for Financial Cupcake

I am a 33 energetic Daughter of the Most High God, but I wasn’t always that way. My life was a complete mess. Then, after becoming born again through Jesus, I became lukewarm and a major religious hypocrite. Talk about a nightmare! I was easily ignored and rejected, so of course I often rejected myself including finances. I had great jobs in the chaotic financial industry, but deep down I was hurting and I took it out on my finances. I stopped caring and one day that lack of care ended up being so much debt and being homeless. Until one day, God finally broke through and snapped me out of it. After leaning on His forgiveness and strategy for freedom, it took me one day at a time to be where I am today.